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26 March 2025

IKON FBA-1B Floor box HDD15-BNC breakout adapter

Stock code
Model number
  • FBA-1B
IKON FBA-1B Floor box HDD15-BNC breakout adapter
IKON FBA-1B Floor box HDD15-BNC breakout adapter

IKON HDD15 SVGA VIDEO TO BNC ADAPTERS - Floorbox, wallbox - Breakout

Terminating installed video cables directly to the standard high density D-sub 15-pin connector (“HDD15”) has long been problematic, even with 3mm diameter cable, and virtually impossible with 6mm+ cables. This range of adapters breaks out the HDD connector to five, electrically isolated, 75 ohm BNC sockets, spaced to allow the mating of conventional BNC plugs without the need for any specialist tooling. Independent grounds are maintained for each of the three video channels and the syncs ensures that the adapter does not degrade the signal. The adapter is fitted to the panel with extended jack screws (supplied). A removable link on the PCB is used to provide a tally required by some laptop computers to indicate the connection of an external monitor simplifying automatic handshaking upon connection.

FBA-1 and FBA-1B

These are 68mm x 40mm, which will fit into most conventional floor boxes. The rear of the adapter is fitted with a layer of non-conductive foam to protect the PCB terminations, and to permit “back-to-back” mounting where two units are mounted adjacent to each other. The FBA-1B has a pair of mounting brackets to provide additional support when using heavy cables.



This is a lower depth version of the FBA-1, measuring 68mm x 33mm, designed for use in standard 35mm depth wallboxes and in Dado trunking. The connectors are more closely spaced on this type, and foam is not fitted.