Similar to the full sized WindJammers, a familiar sight on TV, these are miniature ‘furry’ covers for protection against wind noise. ‘Mini’ versions fit separate microphones, as used for reporting and on camcorders. ‘Gustbusters’ provide protection for the microphones built-in to camcorders.
Mini Windjammers
The Mini Windjammer is a simple, lined, furry cover to fit over the microphone directly or it’s foam gag. They are used on and off camcorders to provide a cheap and effective protection against wind noise in high wind conditions. They may also be extremely useful as added wind protection for reporter or location microphones. Designed for semi-professional applications, they are made from similar materials to their big brothers (See Rycote Modular Microphone Windshields). They can give up to 30dB of wind-noise reduction when used over an existing foam windshield.
They are available in several sizes; the small, medium and large with popper fastenings and the special sizes with draw-string fastening. Small size fits over Canford windshields C5/C8/C10, Medium size fits over C13.
Note (1): Dimensions are the internal size of the Windjammer.
Mini Windjammer for Rode Videomic Pro microphone
Designed specifically for the Rode microphone, this mini windjammer is one of the more specific models to suit specific items.
Many more sizes are available to suit specific cameras and microphones. Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
The Gustbuster is designed to fit most consumer camcorders with an integral microphone, to give affordable wind protection. Camcorder integral microphones cannot have a foam cover and so the valuable still-air space between the microphone and the fur covering is not available. The response of a Gustbuster Mini Windjammer is similar to that of a standard Mini but reduced by about 40%. The Gustbuster uses two loops of elastic to hold itself onto the camcorder; one loops over the lens and the other around the rear.
Gustbuster for Sony HD camcorders
A dedicated version, designed to protect the two integral microphones of the Sony HDV-A1 and HDR-HC1 models, this attaches to the camcorder in the same manner as the standard Gustbuster.