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10 March 2025

WYPALL L40 WIPES POP-UP BOX (box of 100)

Stock code
Model number
  • L40
WYPALL L40 WIPES POP-UP BOX (box of 100)
WYPALL L40 WIPES POP-UP BOX (box of 100)


Data sheets are available for all chemical products free on request (C.O.S.H.H.).

KlensTek Precision Cleaning Spray

An efficient, non-flammable and "safe to use" aerosol cleaner, which is non-corrosive to metals and plastic (including video heads). It washes dirt and contamination away, and complete evaporation leaves the cleaned area free from residue. Applications include audio and video tape heads, computer heads, switches and microswitches, electronic equipment and potentiometers. Can contains 200ml. Supplied with fine tube and brush nozzles.

Cleaning Tissues

“Kimwipes” lint-free tissue, 229 x 432mm, box of 150. “Wypall L40” lint-free wipes (much thicker and more absorbent than Kimwipes), 250 x 420mm, box of 100, or roll of 900.

Headphone Wipes

Bactericidal lint-free wipes, impregnated with a 70% iso-propyl alcohol mix. Specifically designed for cleaning plastic headphone pads, also ideal for sanitising lip microphones. Wipes are 180mm x 135mm approx and available in a plastic dispenser can with snap-shut lid.

Windshield and Headphone Pad Cleaning Fluid

Believed to be the first cleaning fluid formulated specifically for cleaning foam windshields, foam headphone pads, and fabric mesh popshields. This active degreasing agent is a blend of cationic and non-ionic surfactants with quaternary ammonium compounds, which prevents the build-up of bacteria and protects against the risk of cross-infection. A lemon scent is added, to ensure windshields do not smell off-puttingly clinical! The fluid is diluted in water, the foam items are then soaked in this for 5 minutes, then rinsed and allowed to dry thoroughly before reuse. It is fully biodegradeable, non-toxic and non-flammable. Supplied in bottles of 100ml