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23 March 2025


13 items

Press splitters are used to avoid the unsightly clutter that results at events such as press conferences, when every broadcasting organisation present tries to erect a microphone directly in front of the speaker, precisely where the cameramen would rather they did not. The splitter takes a small number of inputs from microphones or the local mixer and distributes the signal to a large number of outputs for use by the media. AudioPressBox offer a comprehensive range of active and passive types in stage box, floor-box, desktop, rack and wall mounting formats as well as portable, cased, splitters and kits.

For a very limited number of broadcasters and journalists it may be possible to provide a set of outputs using multiple microphone splitters. However, this technique quickly increases the load on a microphone to the point where the signal quality is affected. A dedicated conference splitter will reduce clutter, be more reliable and prevent inter-action between the connections made by the different members of the media. Alternative terms for press splitter include 'conference splitter', 'presidential bridge', 'press box', 'multi box' and 'press distribution amplifier'.

Active Splitters usually have microphone or line-level input(s), followed by an amplifier which then drives numbers of transformer-isolated outputs. They can generally provide many more outputs than passive types and, having onboard electronics, often include adjustable gain, metering, microphone/line output level selection, high-pass filters to reduce low-end rumble and compressors and limiters to control levels and prevent overloads. Since they rely on power to work at all, onboard batteries or redundant power supplies are positive benefits. Active splitters have individual outputs and sometimes outputs to feed 'expanders'.

Press Splitter Kit - Drive unit and expanders - APB-1.32 CB

This includes an APB-D100 drive unit with a single line input and four APB-008 SB-EX portable expanders to provide 32 mic/line outputs. These are supplied in a fitted, heavy-duty, waterproof, moulded resin case. Each output is independent, transformer-balanced and isolated. The drive unit has 2 buffered expander outputs and can power up to 48 mic/line outputs. Any Audiopressbox expanders can be connected to the drive unit, not just the ones in the kit.

An advantage of this combination of units is that the portable expanders can be connected in a chain in two directions. The total length of the cable in each direction can be as far as 500m, so any conference room of any type or shape can be covered.

Desktop Splitters

The APB-116P has two sloping panels to the front and rear. The two ends are timber, with slots to provide carrying handles. On the rear there are sixteen XLR outputs with adjacent microphone-line level switches. Controls, input and power input are on the front.

Stagebox Splitters

Built in steel boxes, designed to be placed on the floor, these have connections for the inputs and controls, metering, indicators and power supply inputs on the side. On the upper surface there are a number of XLR outputs with adjacent microphone-line level switches where applicable.

Rack-mounting Splitters

These are 2U high, rack mounting cases. Inputs, controls and individual XLR outputs are on the front. The rear has the power supply connection, expander outputs and, depending on model, a second power inlet and/or parallel connections to the input connectors on the front panel.

Comparison chart

Accessory Cables

Description Price $
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AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-1.32 CB PRESS SPLITTER KIT 1x APB-D100 drive unit, 4x APB-008 SB-EX expanders Stock code: 93-2144
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-D100 PRESS SPLITTER DRIVE UNIT Active, portable, 1x line in, 2x Exp. out Stock code: 93-2171
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-116 P PRESS SPLITTER Active, desktop, 1x mic/line in, 16x mic/line out, battery Stock code: 93-2158
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-116 R PRESS SPLITTER Active, 2U, 1x mic/line in, 16x mic/line out Stock code: 93-2161
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-116 R-RPS PRESS SPLITTER Active, 2U, 1x mic/line in, 16x mic/line out Stock code: 93-2163
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-116 SB PRESS SPLITTER Active, stagebox, 1x line in, 12x mic/line out, battery Stock code: 93-2152
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-124 SB PRESS SPLITTER Active, stagebox, 1x mic/line in, 24x mic/line out, battery Stock code: 93-2153
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-208 R PRESS SPLITTER Active, 2U, 2x mic/line in, 8x mic/line out, 4x Exp. out Stock code: 93-2162
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-208 R-RPS PRESS SPLITTER Active, 2U, 2x mic/line in, 8x mic/line out, 4x Exp. out Stock code: 93-2164
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX APB-448 SB PRESS SPLITTER Active, stagebox, 4x mic/line in, 48x mic/line out, battery Stock code: 93-2154
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
Discontinued. Unfortunately we are not currently able to offer an alternative.
AUDIOPRESSBOX RC 3.5-1 CABLE Female 3-pin XLR to 3.5 mm 3-pole jack with matching, 1.5 metres Stock code: 93-2145
Ordered on demand, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us
AUDIOPRESSBOX RC 3.5-8 CABLE 8-way, 3-pin female XLR to 3.5 mm 3-pole jack, with matching, 3 metres Stock code: 93-2146
Ordered on demand, cancellations may incur charges, available in 1‑2 weeks. Need it sooner? Call us