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31 March 2025

Music Licence... Do you need one?

If you play or intend to play recorded music or music videos in a business, community building or public place, including radio or TV, then the short answer to this question is almost certainly: Yes, two in-fact. It is a legal requirement that venues hold a valid PPL and PRS for Music licence.

Music has become undeniably extremely important in commercial settings. It can be used to form part of a company’s corporate identity, drive consumer activity or raise staff moral and help increase productivity.

As such background music systems are commonplace and while commercial audio system integrators may offer licensing guidance, in all cases it is the responsibility of the venue proprietor to ensure the appropriate licences are obtained.

PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited) licence the use of recorded music played in public or broadcast on radio, TV and on the internet. Established in 1934, PPL exist to ensure that those who invest their time, talent and money to make recorded music are fairly paid for their work. PPL collect and distribute licence fees for the use of music on behalf of record companies and performers.

PRS for Music (Performing Rights Society) collect and distribute licence fees for the use of musical compositions and lyrics on behalf of songwriters, composers and publishers.

Licencing costs are determined on a number of factors which include the type of premises, size, activity; community building, school, house of worship, restaurant, office or leisure centre for example, and the way you intend to play music. As background music or live music performance.

By purchasing the correct music licences, businesses and organisers of social activities can play recorded music in the confidence of being legally compliant.

Some instances may exist where the licence fees can be discounted or waived, such as in qualifying charitable, community buildings or healthcare premises. For more information and to learn the cost of the appropriate licences for your business or organisation please contact:


NOTE: Information provided was accurate at the time of publishing during 2016. Licensing is subject to change and you should ensure you understand and comply with up-to-date regulations at all times.

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