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26 March 2025

The Broadcast Technology Roadshow

We are incredibly excited to be attending the Broadcast Technology Roadshow for the first time!

Events are FREE to attend, with no registration required!


Since 2019, a select number of leading broadcast technology companies have clubbed together to hold a series of small local roadshows to showcase the latest equipment and services for the broadcast radio and TV sectors. 


Who'll Be There?

There is a wide range of complimentary companies working together to provide a personal and 'hands-on' experience.

Angry Audio Green-GO
Aqua Broadcast Sennheiser
AurasPro Radioplayer
Artel Sonifex
Broadcast Radio Synthax Audio UK
Canford Vortex Communications Ltd
Cedar  and all associated brands...


Visit the Broadcast Technology Roadshow website to learn more about the show


Next Events


Tuesday 29th October
09.30 - 17.00

Crowne Plaza
117 Milltown Road


Thursday 31st October
09.30 - 17.00

Crowne Plaza
D15 T1FD

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