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23 March 2025

EMO CM6 MASTER SWITCHER UNIT Spare 10A cartridge fuse

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EMO CM6 MASTER SWITCHER UNIT Spare 10A cartridge fuse
EMO CM6 MASTER SWITCHER UNIT Spare 10A cartridge fuse


The EMO sequential mains switcher system protects audio systems from potential harm by powering them up and down sequentially in the correct order. This avoids damage to vulnerable loudspeakers and maintains the integrity of the incoming AC mains supply. Applications include theatre sound, touring systems, recording studios, audio visual, broadcasting systems, night clubs and computer systems.

The CM6 Master Station is the hub of any switcher system and may be used alone or with up to eight CS6 slave switchers to accommodate larger amplification systems. The recently introduced Mk2 version has made setting up and operating the system significantly quicker and easier. Security is also strengthened by increasing the available length of the access code from four digits to six.

As supplied, the power-up (on) sequence is the mirror image of the power down (off) sequence. The delay per step is 10 seconds. A new faster mode can be selected, which, during the power-up sequence, reduces the delay to five seconds per step with the exception of between steps one and two, which remains set at 10 seconds. At power-down, all amplifiers are switched off simultaneously. The mixer and ancillary equipment switches off 40 seconds later ensuring the amplifiers are fully discharged.

During system set-up, it can be useful to instantly power the system up or down. This mode can be accessed by a series of button presses on the keypad. In the unlikely event of a system failure, the recessed ‘override’ switch (present on CM6 and CS6 units) bypasses the timing circuits and turns the mains outlets on instantaneously.

CM6 Master Station

CS6 Slave Switcher

CR6, CR32 Remote Keypad Panels