Yamaha MY8-AT provides eight channels of audio input and output in ADAT format. Resolution is 24bit at 8x8 I/O, or 4x4 I/O at 96kHz, and I/O is via two optical connectors.
Yamaha MY16-AT provides sixteen channels of audio input and output in ADAT format. Resolution is 24bit at 16x16 I/O, or 8x8 I/O at 96kHz, and I/O is via four optical connectors.
Yamaha MY8-AE provides eight channels of input and output in AES/EBU format on a D-sub 25-way female connector. It has 24bit resolution for the 8x8 I/O, or 96kHz for 4x4 I/O.
Yamaha MY16-AE provides sixteen channels of input and output in AES/EBU format via two D-sub 25-way female connectors. It has 24bit resolution for the 16x16 I/O, or 96kHz for 8x8 I/O.
Yamaha PY8-AE audio interface card provides AES/EBU connectivity, handling up to 8 input and 8 output channels of 96kHz/24-bit digital audio. The onboard sample rate converters for the input channels allow connection between devices operating at different sampling rates. Connections are via a single 25-hole D-sub connection.
Yamaha PY64-MD provides MADI connectivity, handling up to 64 input and 64 output channels of 96kHz/24-bit digital audio. The onboard sample rate converters allow interconnection between devices operating at different sampling rates. MADI input is via 2x BNC connectors with SRC with 64-channels on each terminal. MADI output is also via 2x BNC connectors with SRC with 64-channels on each terminal. A fifth BNC connection allows for wordclock in for SRC.