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13 January 2025

Encouraging careers in engineering: Canford on hand at Industrial Cadets award ceremony

For many years Canford has been sponsoring local schools who take part in the Engineering Development Trust’s (EDT) annual Industrial Cadets event. Within this program schools select one of 5 engineering projects and over a period of months complete the project by submitting a comprehensive report on their work and findings. In addition to their report, they also must build physical models that are displayed at the end of year award ceremony.

Over the past 5 years the end of year ceremony was held at Teesside University but this year the ceremony returned to Newcastle University. As Canford is a major sponsor we were invited to attend the ceremony and present some of the awards, alongside other Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) companies. At this year’s event Canford also took the opportunity to showcase some of our current products such as NEAL and Green-GO.

John Slider Comments “As Canford’s Community Ambassador it gave me a great deal of pleasure to attend this event. Accompanied by Katie and Chad not only for support of the showcase but also engaging in this worthwhile endeavour by encouraging young people to get involved in engineering and showing the variety of careers engineering has to offer.”

A special thanks goes to Jen Cassidy for organisation of marketing materials for the Canford stand and a very well received video presentation showcasing the highlights of Canford audio.

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